Friday, April 15, 2005

Just a quickie...

Posted by noumena12 at 9:09 PM
end of the day blog. I've got lots of great pictures from the IceBreaker this evening. Foxy, Cheesy Jr., and Spike Jr. all had a great time...although they weren't all that well behaved. Foxy hooked up with some guy while Cheesy and Spike may have been off sneaking some alcohol. Cheesy Jr. may have been seen hanging out with Ron.'s only the first day and I have more books to take home than I brought. JenDudley and I each won a door prize tonight. I got 5 books from BC authors while JenDudley got books from Texas authors. I journaled a bunch of books today...too many to post here.

I'm trying to get a little reading done while JenDudley and SandDanz are off running the halls. I'm off to read some more...If I find high speed access tomorrow, I'll post some great pictures!


Bilbo Kiwiberry on April 15, 2005 at 9:26 PM said...

Bilbo was glad to meet so many famous, fun and enthusiastic Bookcrossers.

Yokospungeon xxx said...

Hey noumena! Great job you're doing on this blog. I see you have met Bilbo Kiwiberry - did you get as napshot of him?

Maybe we will meet at a future International Convention? Have fun.

Rick B on April 16, 2005 at 10:05 AM said...

This is great and I see you are the LUCKY(?) winner of WolfPointe.... I hope you enjoy!
I was planning to attend and now am really kicking myself! If I had JUST planned a bit better (Do I hear my mom's ghostly voice???)
This is great!

Rachel on April 17, 2005 at 3:29 PM said...

Hooked up with a guy?!? I think not! I'm sure I was trying to get rid of him.


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