SandDanz Arrives

After JFroebe (aka G.O.D.), Shendoah, and Tzurriz followed us around for 2 days, we finally sat down in the lobby to talk.

SandDanz and ShenDoah

?? and Sonora join us

Spike Jr. and SandDanz head out for dinner

Spike Jr. and Foxy get a little carried away at dinner
It started innocently enough...

Foxy was the first to get into the adult beverages

Spike Jr. wasn't going to be left out

Eventually it turned into something else when Cheesy decided to join them

And this all happened BEFORE the Ice Breaker!
Cool pics, Noumena - but the one (SandDanz and ShenDoah) looks like a couple who've had a fight and are trying to sit as far apart as possible on the couch!! LOL
*snort* I somehow doubt that Foxy was the FIRST one to get in on adult beverages. *hint hint, clearing throat* Noumena!
LMAO Rosie!!!!! I had JUST met ShenDoah and didn't even know her first name yet! :P
And Rachel... that picture of Spike Jr. drinking... notice that being an EMPTY glass... I think someone *cough*ann*cough* helped with that!
Quote of the day:
"will someone look and make sure Spike Jr. is sticking up?" (SandDanz)
Shen-- strait to the gutter.
Wasn't it...
"make sure Spike Jr. doesn't pop out of my bag"???
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