I've just made plans to share a room with JenDudley and SandDanz! Be afraid, be very afraid!
I've started selecting books to take with me...these are books that I want to read while I'm traveling but I'm definitely not bringing home! Here they are in no particular order:
Thin Skin by Emma Forest
Outcast by Josephing Cox
Love Medicine by Louise Erdrich
Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquirel
Beach Girls by Luanne Rice
More Than Friends by Barbara Delinsky
Riding in Cars with Boys by Beverly Donofrio
The Troublemaker by Robert McKay
Aphrodite's Secret by Julie Kenner
Circle of Friends by Maeve Binchy
The Kitchen God's Wife by Amy Tan
Her Mother's Shadow by Diane Chamberlain
The Inheritance by Antoinette Wrighton
That should be enough to read!!! A little too ambitious????
European Adventure Follow-ups
7 months ago
Not as ambitious as my own bag of books that I'm taking since you're a much faster reader than myself and will be gone longer. Here are the ones I'm taking to read in random order:
Easy by Emma Gold (for needmorezoloft)
A Promising Man (And About Time Too) by Elizabeth Young (for jendudley)
Fishbowl by Sarah Mlynowski (for jendudley)
The Girl With the Phony Name by Charles Mathes (for MsPooh)
The Babysitter by Diana Diamond (for MsPooh)
Affinity by J.N. Williamson (for MsPooh)
Bonjour Tristesse by Francoise Sagan (for Jendudley)
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl (for needmorezoloft)
Island of the Sequined Love Nun by Christopher Moore (for BrynnSC - who won't be at the con)
Hard by Emma Gold (for Ramson - who won't be at the con)
Babe In Toyland by Eugenie Seifer Olson (for EllyMae58)
And as for the "roommate issue"... I think *I* should be the one concerned as I'm the only one that doesn't snore!!!
Hey! Those are books I plan to read while on this trip. Looks like you are just taking these books. And why are you taking books to 4T Worth for people who aren't going to be there????
I would like to think I could read these while there, but I can't say that I will finish them all. As for the two I am taking for non-convention goers... I'm taking Hard because it's a sequel to Easy and I may want to keep on the series. As for Island of the Sequined Love Nun, I need to read it before the next bookring that is on its way to me.
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