One Lucky Vampire by Lynsay Sands
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Sands Argeneau series is one of the few paranormal series I still read. Funny, entertaining, steamy with great characters is a winning combination.
View all my reviews
Well I didn’t complete another book in this read-a-thon. However, I will include the book I’m currently reading in my total raised so I will be donating $100 to both Project Read and to Room to Read making it another $200 raised for literacy and making the total that I have raised for literacy programs during Dewey’s 24 Hour Read-A-Thon to $1955 (since April 2010). See it doesn’t take much to make a difference. Happy Reading to everyone who participated!
Books Read | Pages Read |
3 | 987 |
Title | Author | Start Hour | Finish Hour | Completed | Pages |
Cowboy Justice (Catcher Creek, #2) | Melissa Cutler | 8:00 | 13:45 | Hour 6 | 358 |
Love and Lists (Chocoholics, #1) | Tara Sivec | 14:20 | 16:58 | Hour 9 | 181 |
Getting Rowdy (Love Undercover, #3) | Lori Foster | 17:30 | 22:28 | Hour 15 | 448 |
50 Ways to Hex Your Lover(Hex, #1) | Linda Wisdom | 23:00 | 226 |
Wow! Here we are at hour 15 and I just finished book #3. That is now $150 raised for literacy programs. You might want to check out some of the other readers. Shaunesay @ The Space Between is a definite read-a-thon junkie. This hours’ mini challenge is about Horror books…where is Sanddanz when you need her? Still feeling good so…Back to more reading…
Books Read | Pages Read |
3 | 987 |
Title | Author | Start Hour | Finish Hour | Completed | Pages |
Cowboy Justice (Catcher Creek, #2) | Melissa Cutler | 8:00 | 13:45 | Hour 6 | 358 |
Love and Lists (Chocoholics, #1) | Tara Sivec | 14:20 | 16:58 | Hour 9 | 181 |
Getting Rowdy (Love Undercover, #3) | Lori Foster | 17:30 | 22:28 | Hour 15 | 448 |
Completed book 2 during this hour. The mini challenge this hour is a video book review. No thanks…no video for me.
Books Read | Pages Read |
2 | 539 |
That is $100 raised for charity so far.
Title | Author | Start Hour | Finish Hour | Completed | Pages |
Cowboy Justice (Catcher Creek, #2) | Melissa Cutler | 8:00 | 13:45 | Hour 6 | 358 |
Love and Lists (Chocoholics, #1) | Tara Sivec | 14:20 | 16:58 | Hour 9 | 181 |
In the first 6 hours, I finally finished book 1; I started the day with a heavy dose of Starbucks; and I had my much need beer-braised turkey sandwich.
The hardest part about Dewey’s is reading while trying to participate and interact. I want to engage with everyone but struggle against taking time out of my reading. Especially since I read for charity. I want to finish as many books as I can.
One of the best things about the read-a-thon is the opportunity to participate with friends. Lately, things have been so crazy that I haven’t had much of chance to interact and catch up with my book friends. But not this weekend, we are here together.
Title | Author | Start Hour | Finish Hour | Completed | Pages |
Cowboy Justice (Catcher Creek, #2) | Melissa Cutler | 8:00 | 13:45 | Hour 6 | 358 |
Here We Go! I did my first Read-A-Thon in April 2010. During my read-a-thon weekends, I’ve read 21 books, 5896 pages. And Since April 2011, I’ve donated $1755 to a local literacy organization and Room To Read. Once again, I will be reading for these non-profits.
If this is your first Read-A-Thon, Chris @ Stuff As Dreams Are Made On has some great tips.
For each book that I read, I will donate $25 per book read to both Project Read and to Room to Read. If you want to help by making a pledge based on how much I read, please let me know! I will let you specify which organization (or both) gets your donation.
Room to Read
Room to Read believes that "world change starts with educated children". We focus on countries whose lack of resources results in insufficient educational infrastructure. Rather than apply a short-term solution, Room to Read seeks to intervene early in a child's life and provide ongoing educational opportunities in their communities. We have developed a successful three-pronged approach to tackling the problem of education by:
- Partnering with communities to build schools;
- Enhancing educational facilities within schools, including establishing libraries, computers labs and language training centers; and
- Providing scholarships for underprivileged young girls
Project Read
Project READ is a coalition of public and private organizations working together to build skilled workers, strong families, and healthy communities. Through Project READ, over 35 literacy and basic skills providers, 80 schools and tutoring sites in Montgomery, Greene, and Preble counties, and over 100 businesses and community partners are committed to building literacy in the Miami Valley. Project READ relies solely on grants and individual gifts for financial support.
Kickoff Questions
1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today?
I’m in the US
2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to?
Any book that helps me complete my Goodreads Romance Readers October Reading Challenge and any book that doesn’t make me want to go to sleep.
3) Which snack are you most looking forward to?
Beer Braised Turkey Thigh Sandwich
4) Tell us a little something about yourself!
I enjoy reading and giving back to make a difference. Dewey’s allows me to do both!
5) If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today? If this is your first read-a-thon, what are you most looking forward to?
If I find a book that I’m struggling to get through, it is NOT read-a-thon material. I will put it down (for now) and find something else to read.
Whew! Just made it under the wire!
9 of 10 Complete
Goodreads Challenge Thread
1. 'S' is for September: Sharpshooter (Shadow Agents, #3) by Eden, Cynthia 9/26
Read a book that starts with 'S' or a book whose author's first or last name starts with 'S'
2. Member of the Month - Pollyanna: Sweet Danger by Pierson, Cheryl 9/30
Pollyanna has been a member of the RRRC since January 2010. Here is the link to Pollyanna's shelves. Please read a book from any of Pollyanna's shelves or a book published in 2010.
3. Geography - Connecticut: The Hero (Thunder Point, #3) by Carr, Robyn 9/2
Read a book whose author, character or setting is from Connecticut.
Fun Facts about Connecticut:So you can also read a historical romance set in the United States or any book where a MC works for the government. Or you could read a book with a body of water on the cover or is set on a body of water. In addition, you may read The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finnor any other classic.
★ Connecticut is known as the "Constitution State".
★ Connecticut is named after the Connecticut River. The word is a French corruption of the Algonquian word quinetucket, which means "long tidal river".
★ The famous author Mark Twain was a resident of Connecticut.
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