Frank's Independence Day by M.L. Buchman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Frank has been such an interesting character in the series so I'm glad he has gotten his own story. I will definitely look for more of Buchman's books!
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10 of 10 Complete
1. “A" is for April: Always by Stover, Deb 4/13
Read a book that starts with 'A' or a book whose author's first or last name starts with 'A'.
2. Happy Birthday ~KarenH~!: The Wanderer by Robyn Carr 4/5
Read a book from a April birthday celebrant's GR bookshelf whose name/nickname starts with the same letter as yours OR match the date of your birthday (1-30) to a member on the RRRC April Birthday List. If no initials or dates match exactly, pick the next closest letter or date (above or below).
3. Geography: Cardwell Ranch Trespasser by Daniels, B.J. 4/15
Read a book whose author, character or setting is from The Netherlands. OR, The Netherlands is known for its agricultural exports, including approximately 2/3 of the world’s fresh flowers and bulbs, and The Hague is known as “the world’s legal capital” – so, read a book that has a character or characters involved in agriculture (farming, ranching, gardening, etc), a book with flowers on the cover, or a book in which law enforcement or the legal profession play a part.
4. Fourth Month: Just What I Need (The Bradfords, #6) by Nicholas, Erin 4/2
Read a book that has a 4 word title, is 4th in a series, or has an average rating on GoodReads of 4.00 or higher.
5. National Humor Month: Fifty Shames of Earl Grey by Fanny Merkin, Andrew Shaffer 4/7
Read a funny book.
6. Titanic Remembrance Day (April 15): The Love Shack (Beach House No. 9, #3) by Ridgway, Christie 4/1
Read a book set on a ship, on or near the water, or involving a disaster (natural or man-made).
7. Blah Blah Blah Day (April 17): A Wedding in Apple Grove(Small Town USA, #1) by Admirand, C.H. 4/22
Read a book that someone else suggested you read, or a book that you have been hearing a lot of discussion about.
8. Kindergarten Day (April 21): Crazy Little Thing by Brogan, Tracy 4/15
Read a book involving a child, a teacher or student, or a YA book.
9. Take a Chance Day (April 23): Justice at Cardwell Ranch & Crime Scene at Cardwell Ranch by B.J. Daniels 4/14
Read a book that is by a new to you author, or part of a new to you series or genre.
10. Reader's Choice: Love Irresistibly (FBI / US Attorney, #4) by James, Julie 4/7
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