Once again I have signed up to participate in Dewey's Read-A-Thon on October 9. During the April Read-A-Thon, I read 4 books and 885 pages. This time I'm looking for pledges! $25 for every 500 pages? Per page donation??? Whatever you can afford to give!!! Pledge money collected will be donated to Project READ.
Project READ is a coalition of public and private organizations working together to build skilled workers, strong families, and healthy communities. Through Project READ, over 35 literacy and basic skills providers, 80 schools and tutoring sites in Montgomery, Greene and Preble counties, and over 100 businesses and community partners are committed to building literacy in the Miami Valley.
Pledge by commenting here, emailing me, or posting on facebook! Giving a little can make a big difference!
European Adventure Follow-ups
7 months ago