Friday, July 4, 2008

June RABCK Release Challenge Results

Posted by noumena12 at 3:33 PM 1 comments
BCUser Jun Grand Total
apolonia 11
beckydore 38 100
Deepswamp 12 171
Haugtussa 6 47
jumpingin 3 12
noumena12 30 151
Plum-crazy 11 82
Shaunesay 4 29
Smhamn 4 41
Valentina1209 9 77
Grand Total 117 959

June Leap into the Wild 366 Challenge Results

Posted by noumena12 at 2:07 PM 0 comments
NO URL Send Source Borrower Date Borrowed
62 Angel with Attitude Wild Release WILD RELEASE 20080606
63 Dirty Little Lies WILD RELEASE WILD RELEASE 20080606
64 Do Not Disturb Wild Release WILD RELEASE 20080606
65 Echoes Wild Release WILD RELEASE 20080606
66 Endgame Wild Release WILD RELEASE 20080606
67 Exposure Wild Release WILD RELEASE 20080606
68 Jingle All the Way WILD RELEASE WILD RELEASE 20080606
69 Marry Me, Maddie Wild Release WILD RELEASE 20080606
70 Riley (Harlequin Temptation #930) WILD RELEASE WILD RELEASE 20080606
71 Say It Again, Sam Wild Release WILD RELEASE 20080606
72 Tempt Me Twice Wild Release WILD RELEASE 20080606
73 Traveler Wild Release WILD RELEASE 20080606
74 Enigma (Last Chance Trilogy) Wild Release WILD RELEASE 20080606
75 Chain Reaction Wild Release WILD RELEASE 20080606
76 Coming Undone Wild Release WILD RELEASE 20080606
77 Off Balance Wild Release WILD RELEASE 20080606
78 Mail-Order Grooms Wild Release WILD RELEASE 20080606
79 Facing Fear Wild Release WILD RELEASE 20080606
80 Into Danger Wild Release WILD RELEASE 20080606
81 The Hunter Wild Release WILD RELEASE 20080606
82 At the Edge Wild Release WILD RELEASE 20080606
83 Blame It on Paris Wild Release WILD RELEASE 20080606
84 Under the Covers Wild Release WILD RELEASE 20080606
85 Heart of the Storm Wild Release WILD RELEASE 20080606
86 Virtually His Wild Release WILD RELEASE 20080606
87 Overnight Male Wild Release WILD RELEASE 20080606
88 A Stranger's Touch Wild Release WILD RELEASE 20080606
89 The Power of Love Wild Release WILD RELEASE 20080606
90 Three Kisses Wild Release WILD RELEASE 20080606
91 Down and Dirty Wild Release WILD RELEASE 20080606
92 Fallen Angels Wild Release WILD RELEASE 20080606

June Ultimate Release Challenge Results

Posted by noumena12 at 2:05 PM 0 comments
Data Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Grand Total
Sum of Read 57 31 27 18 15 41 189
Sum of Theme 35 1 2 14 2 54
Sum of Release 112 36 38 26 16 66 294

204 67 66 46 45 109 537

No HTML Date Borrowed Borrower Send Source Read Theme Release Total Points
229 Angel with Attitude 20080606 WILD RELEASE Wild Release 0 0 1 1
230 Bondage 20080617 RubyRebel RABCK 0 0 1 1
231 Catching Alice 20080617 sharalsbooks RABCK 0 0 1 1
232 Deep In The Valley 20080617 AnglersRest RABCK 0 0 1 1
233 Dirty Little Lies 20080606 WILD RELEASE WILD RELEASE 1 0 1 2
234 Do Not Disturb 20080606 WILD RELEASE Wild Release 1 0 1 2
235 Echoes 20080606 WILD RELEASE Wild Release 0 0 1 1
236 Endgame 20080606 WILD RELEASE Wild Release 1 0 1 2
237 Exposure 20080606 WILD RELEASE Wild Release 1 0 1 2
238 First Lady 20080617 cheli-garza RABCK 0 0 1 1
239 How Stella Got Her Groove Back 20080617 Cyber-Librarian RABCK 0 0 1 1
240 In the Cut 20080617 Heaven150 RABCK 0 0 1 1
241 Jingle All the Way 20080606 WILD RELEASE WILD RELEASE 1 0 1 2
242 Marry Me, Maddie 20080606 WILD RELEASE Wild Release 1 0 1 2
243 Riley (Harlequin Temptation #930) 20080606 WILD RELEASE WILD RELEASE 1 0 1 2
244 Say It Again, Sam 20080606 WILD RELEASE Wild Release 1 0 1 2
245 Sleepless in Savannah 20080602 WILD RELEASE 1 0 1 2
246 Sun Storm 20080609 Geishabird 0 1 0 1 2
247 Tempt Me Twice 20080606 WILD RELEASE Wild Release 1 0 1 2
248 The Club 20080617 TBlack44 RABCK 0 0 1 1
249 The Scent of Shadows 20080602 Bibliocrates RABCK 0 0 1 1
250 Traveler 20080606 WILD RELEASE Wild Release 0 0 1 1
251 Enigma (Last Chance Trilogy) 20080606 WILD RELEASE Wild Release 1 0 1 2
252 Shocking Pink 20080617 daelith RABCK 0 1 1 2
253 The Bear Comes Home 20080607 WILD RELEASE Wild Release 0 0 1 1
254 Snow Swan 20080607 WILD RELEASE Wild Release 0 0 1 1
255 Hello, Doggy! 20080607 SandDanz RABCK 1 0 1 2
256 Chain Reaction 20080606 WILD RELEASE Wild Release 1 0 1 2
257 Dinner First, Me Later? 20080607 SandDanz RABCK 0 0 1 1
258 Coming Undone 20080606 WILD RELEASE Wild Release 1 0 1 2
259 Off Balance 20080606 WILD RELEASE Wild Release 0 0 1 1
260 Mail-Order Grooms 20080606 WILD RELEASE Wild Release 1 0 1 2
261 Hide and Seek 20080602 Needsun RABCK 1 0 1 2
262 Kiss and Tell 20080602 Needsun RABCK 1 0 1 2
263 Facing Fear 20080606 WILD RELEASE Wild Release 1 0 1 2
264 Hot Ice 20080602 Needsun RABCK 1 0 1 2
265 On Thin Ice 20080602 Needsun RABCK 1 0 1 2
266 Into Danger 20080606 WILD RELEASE Wild Release 1 0 1 2
267 The Hunter 20080606 WILD RELEASE Wild Release 1 0 1 2
268 To Catch a Cheat 20080607 SandDanz RABCK 1 0 1 2
269 At the Edge 20080606 WILD RELEASE Wild Release 1 0 1 2
270 Blame It on Paris 20080606 WILD RELEASE Wild Release 1 0 1 2
271 Under the Covers 20080606 WILD RELEASE Wild Release 1 0 1 2
272 Heart of the Storm 20080606 WILD RELEASE Wild Release 1 0 1 2
273 Holy Smokes 20080609 AmericanMuse RABCK 1 0 1 2
274 Virtually His 20080606 WILD RELEASE Wild Release 1 0 1 2
275 Night Whispers 20080617 devon612 RABCJ 0 0 1 1
276 Black Sheep and the Hidden Beauty 20080602 Wild Release 1 1 1 3
277 Don't Hex with Texas 20080607 SandDanz RABCK 1 0 1 2
278 Baddest Bad Boys 20080609 CharmedKim RABCK 0 0 1 1
279 Overnight Male 20080606 WILD RELEASE Wild Release 1 0 1 2
280 Gone With the Witch 20080617 Lizabeth86 RABCK 1 0 1 2
281 A Stranger's Touch 20080606 WILD RELEASE Wild Release 1 0 1 2
282 Vampire, Interrupted (Argeneau Vampire Series #9) 20080609 Lemonitsa RABCK 1 0 1 2
283 The Power of Love 20080606 WILD RELEASE Wild Release 1 0 1 2
284 Three Kisses 20080606 WILD RELEASE Wild Release 1 0 1 2
285 Down and Dirty 20080606 WILD RELEASE Wild Release 1 0 1 2
286 Fallen Angels 20080606 WILD RELEASE Wild Release 0 0 1 1
287 With Her Last Breath 20080609 RebeccaLJames RABCK 0 0 1 1
288 Real Women Don't Wear Size 2 20080617 Wild Relese 1 0 1 2
289 Take Me Tonight 20080609 Apolonia RABCK 0 0 1 1
290 Swept Away 20080609 jaglvr RABCK 0 0 1 1
291 Tempt Me Tonight 20080609 Kawgrl RABCK 0 0 1 1
292 Outlaw Love 20080609 Englishrose7 RABCK 0 0 1 1
293 Rough and Ready 20080617 Dyluvsbooks RABCK 1 0 1 2
294 Because Your Vampire Said So 20080617 CheesyGiraffe RABCK 0 0 1 1

June RABCK Release Challenge Results

Posted by noumena12 at 2:03 PM 0 comments
No HTML Recipient Date Sent
122 Bondage RubyRebel 20080617
123 Catching Alice sharalsbooks 20080617
124 Deep In The Valley AnglersRest 20080617
125 First Lady cheli-garza 20080617
126 How Stella Got Her Groove Back Cyber-Librarian 20080617
127 In the Cut Heaven150 20080617
128 Sun Storm Geishabird 20080609
129 The Club TBlack44 20080617
130 The Scent of Shadows Bibliocrates 20080602
131 Shocking Pink daelith 20080617
132 Hello, Doggy! SandDanz 20080607
133 Dinner First, Me Later? SandDanz 20080607
134 Hide and Seek Needsun 20080602
135 Kiss and Tell Needsun 20080602
136 Hot Ice Needsun 20080602
137 On Thin Ice Needsun 20080602
138 To Catch a Cheat SandDanz 20080607
139 Holy Smokes AmericanMuse 20080609
140 Night Whispers devon612 20080617
141 Don't Hex with Texas SandDanz 20080607
142 Baddest Bad Boys CharmedKim 20080609
143 Gone With the Witch Lizabeth86 20080617
144 Vampire, Interrupted (Argeneau Vampire Series #9) Lemonitsa 20080609
145 With Her Last Breath RebeccaLJames 20080609
146 Take Me Tonight Apolonia 20080609
147 Swept Away jaglvr 20080609
148 Tempt Me Tonight Kawgrl 20080609
149 Outlaw Love Englishrose7 20080609
150 Rough and Ready Dyluvsbooks 20080617
151 Because Your Vampire Said So CheesyGiraffe 20080617

June Books Read

Posted by noumena12 at 2:01 PM 0 comments
No URL Date Read Pages
149 Extreme Bachelor 20080622 352
150 What Memories Remain 20080625 377
151 To Catch a Kiss 20080617 384
152 Heart of the Storm 20080601 384
153 No One Heard Her Scream 20080622 376
154 Holy Smokes 20080601 352
155 No One Left to Tell 20080623 384
156 Don't Hex with Texas 20080601 288
157 All Souls' Night (Blood Ties Series #4) 20080601 377
158 Playing with Fire 20080619 352
159 Gone With the Witch 20080612 304
160 Vampire, Interrupted (Argeneau Vampire Series #9) 20080604 370
161 The Power of Love 20080603 320
162 Three Kisses 20080602 384
163 Flashback 20080621 407
164 Down and Dirty 20080602 336
165 Leaving Lonely Town 20080614 384
166 Real Women Don't Wear Size 2 20080615 363
167 Catching Kelly 20080626 384
168 Taking Care of Business 20080615 288
169 Letters to a Secret Lover 20080627 384
170 Crime Seen 20080628 304
171 Rough and Ready 20080610 324
172 Wet and Wild 20080616 374
173 Mercenary 20080617 256
174 Velvet, Leather and Lace 20080620 368
175 Hidden Secrets 20080621 384

June Statistics

Posted by noumena12 at 1:59 PM 1 comments
Honey...if you are checking up on me, be sure to note how much I spent on books in June!

YearTo Date June
Books Read 2008: 175 27
Pages Read 2008: 60812 9560
Cost of Books Read: $626.44 $65.20

Books Purchased/Received 2008: 246 56
Cost of Books Purchased: $723.19 $0.00

Books Passed On 2008: 307 71
Cost of Books Passed On: $696.47 $133.25
RABCKs 2008: 151 30
Cost of RABCKs: $417.59 $68.61
Wild Releases 2008: 185 35

2008 Postage: $568.00 $97.15

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