Saturday, June 22, 2024

Review: Insatiable Bachelor

Posted by noumena12 at 12:15 PM
Insatiable Bachelor Insatiable Bachelor by Ruth Cardello
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Favorite Quotes:
"When worshipping at the altar of MORE, there’s no time to hike up a mountain. No time to comfort an upset friend. No time to sing simply because it feels good."

"Men, like water, tend to follow the path of least resistance. If it’s there, they’ll at least consider fucking it."

“I’m free-spirited when it comes to meditating and not overscheduling my weekends. I’m not all willy-nilly about whose willy I nilly.”

“The funny thing about change”—Kylie smirks—“is it never stops happening no matter how much people try to stop it."

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