Everyone who is anyone turned out for the Ice Breaker in the hotel bar!
MsPooh and EllyMae58 brought "Happy Reading" pens for EVERYONE!! Thanks!
MrNelle was there
SandDanz looks like she is having a good time...Of course she'd been hitting that bottle of Rum in our room!
SandDanz and MojosMom
JenDudley hanging out at the bar with CoffeeBeaned
Cheesy Jr. was hanging out with MsPooh...that's sure to lead to trouble
Sure enough...there they are trying to steal the door prizes
No BC Convention is complete without BOOKS
There were plenty of books available...
Skyring joins MrNelle in sifting through the books available
Foxy makes a new friend from Down Under...Bilbo Kiwiberry
Apparently, Foxy also found a book
No BookCrossing event is complete without...
...Reno (talking to JFroebe)...
...And Bruce and Heather
Of course EVERYONE wanted to meet them and talk to them!
Reno talking to CoffeBeaned with MsPooh while SandDanz and EllyMae58 wait (patiently???)
SandDanz and JenDudley share the pictures from their Christian Singles release with Heather
And of course there were door prizes! Thanks to TexasWren who arranged for the prizes!
First-Noel and TexasWren drew names
Noumena12 won the first door prize! But there were lots of other winners too!
By the end of the night...Foxy and Spike Jr. were a little out of control
European Adventure Follow-ups
6 months ago
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